Phellinus torulosus  (Pers.) Bourdot & Galzin 1925
Main synonym = Boletus torulosus    Pers. 1818
Taxonomical Classification:  Fungi / Basidiomycota / Agaricomycetes / Hymenochaetales / Hymenochaetaceae
Eucalyptus white rot     Maltese name not known
Further Information:
Grows and parasitize on lower parts of trunks of trees namely Eucalyptus, Chestnuts (Castanea), Oaks (Quercus) and Poplars (Populus). Trees exhibit poor growth, defoliation and dieback of the branches and apexes. Presence of large fruiting bodies (carpophores) which at first they are yellow in colour and latter brown. They are variable in form. These perennial fruiting bodies may persist and enlarge for many years. Infected heartwood often shows a spongy whitish rot. Roots can also be affected. Heartwood decay causes reduction of timber quality. Infected trees can survive many years, but the decay predisposes the trees to breakage.

When the wood is highly affected, the fungus produces large sexual fruiting bodies at the base of the tree trunk (carpophores). Spores are spread from mature carpophores. All over the year, the spores of P. torulosus enter the tree through wounds at the base of the trunk. Once within the tree the fungus grows mainly in the heartwood and in the roots. Trees can survive for some years, but the fungus progressively invades the wood causing decay and rot root.

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